Many members of St George's were present at the Annunciation, Chislehurst, on Sunday 12th January, to say farewell to Fr Paul Farthing, who is moving to Staffordshire. Fr Paul has been a good friend to St George's, and was a great support to the churchwardens through two vacancies. We wish him and Darquise well. Our priests will be helping to cover services at the Annunciation during the vacancy.
Father David's 90th Birthday
Christmas 2025
Socialising afterwards. Mince pies and Mulled wine served.
The Bishop of Rochester joined "Forward in Faith" parish Priests for Midday Prayer, followed by lunch. 12 November 2024.
Harvest Lunch in the Church Hall
Parish pilgrimage to Walsingham July 2024 - Group photograph
Father Henry celebrates Mass for the St George's pilgrimage group in the Holy House.
St George's Summer Fete 2024
It was a successful day raising much needed funds for the upkeep of the church . 
Solemn Evensong in Celebration of the 160th of the Consecration of the Church.
16 June 2024 . Listen here
The Preacher: Father Philip Corbett (General Secretary for the Society for the Maintenance of Faith).
A London Turkish Music Choir concert in the church (June 2024).
A group from St George's enjoyed a pilgrimage to Canterbury, with a devotional tour of the Cathedral, here pictured after prayers in the Corona Chapel.
Quiz Night at the Church Hall
PCC Annual dinner 2024
Childrens Crib Service Christmas 2023
A Joyful event
Christening at St Georges
To mark the Tercentenary of the death of Sir Christopher Wren, a group from St George's visited five of Wren's City churches, as well as the Monument to the Great Fire, in a 2-hour walk led by Fiona Everett, our Blue Badge Guide, with some commentary on Wren by Fr Henry. They then went to Evensong at Wren's masterpiece, St Paul's Cathedral, and finished the day with pizza in sight of the cathedral.
At St Lawrence, Jewry, the church of the City Corporation.
St Lawrence, Jewry, showing the Commonwealth Chapel.
Our guide, Fiona, in front of the altar at St Lawrence, Jewry
Fiona in St Mary, Aldermary.
St Mary, Aldermary, has a cafe in the back of the church.
St Margaret, Lothbury, with its proper Wren interior
Harvest Lunch Sunday 1st October 2023
Pilgrims from St George's on the way to Canterbury Cathedral for the Richborough Chrism Mass.
Bishop of Richborough's Chrism Mass, in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft in Canterbury Cathedral.
The Archbishop shares a joke with Bishop Norman. Fr Henry can be seen between the Archbishop and the Dean of Canterbury.
Confirmation ceremony 5th February 2023